The painting Repasando (2016) features a copy of AV Monografías 157-158 ‘Herzog & de Meuron’
On view through 29 April at the Ateneo de Madrid is a walk through the pictorial work of the architect Javier Sánchez Bellver (Madrid, 1951), organized on the occasion of the publication of the catalog La vida quieta (Lapislázuli, 2019), with a foreword by Luis Fernández-Galiano.
The exhibition gathers 35 oil paintings with still lifes and domestic scenes that underscore the beauty of the everyday. Two issues of AV have appeared in his canvases: number 5, ‘Madrid Capital,’ in Fragmento de biblioteca, a fragment of which was reproduced on the cover of Arquitectura Viva 18, ‘Tanta teoría’; and 157-158, ‘Herzog & de Meuron (2005-2013),’ in Repasando, which illustrates the catalog front.
Luis Fernández-Galiano: La vida quieta

Fragmento de biblioteca

La abundancia (2017)

Cardos y flores de algodón (2018)

Trasiego de copas (2019)

Diecinueve tomates de Barbastro (2019)

Latas (2019)