Marés House in Pollença
Twobo arquitectura 

Marés House in Pollença

Twobo arquitectura 

To address the specific commission of building a single-family house on a plot with a nine-meter drop, the design includes a platform at an intermediate level, making it possible for residents to enjoy views of the sea from a place that heretofore lacked them.

The two pavilions with walls built in dry stone and marés rise two floors above grade, with installations in a semi-basement level. Both volumes are articulated around a central paved plaza with several porches and terraces.

Marés House, Pollença (Mallorca)

Cliente Cliente

Arquitectos Architects
Alberto Twose, María Pancorbo, Pablo Twose (Twobo arquitectura); Luis Twose

Constructor Constructor

Aparejador Quantity surveyor
Ignacio Martínez, Ana Bonet

Fotografía Photographs
José Hevia