Delas Frères Winery, Tain-l’Hermitage (France)
Carl Fredrik Svenstedt Architect 

Delas Frères Winery, Tain-l’Hermitage (France)

Carl Fredrik Svenstedt Architect 

The main undulating wall, of 7x 80m, is built with blocks of local sandstone carved by a robot, post-tensioned to the foundations and bonded horizontally using stainless steel cables. The blocks are mounted traditionally by a team of stonemasons...

Obra Work
Bodegas Delas Frères, Tain l’Hermitage Delas Frères Winery, Tain l’Hermitage (France)

Cliente Client
Champagne Deutz, Delas Frères

Autor Author
Carl Fredrik Svenstedt Architect

Arquitectos Architects
Carl Fredrik Svenstedt, Boris Lefevre, Pauline Seguin, Thomas Dauphant, Marion Autuori, Benoit- Joseph Grange

Paisajismo Landscape
Christophe Ponceau and Melanie Drevet

Ingenierías Engineers
Becamel Mallard (estructuras structural), Atelier Graindorge and Stono (fachada de piedra curva curved stone wall), MAYA (térmica thermal)